Ground Zero FW16 Collection

Words Arielle Chambers

Ground Zero's Milk Studios presentation was so intricate; it was difficult to get past the set to focus on the clothes. In perfect execution, Ground Zero gave everything a show-goer could request in a display. The collection chewed up and spit out all the colorful grunge anyone could desire.


It's rare a collection intertwines so many bold statement pieces successfully, but Ground Zero did it. Sunglasses? Cool. Pointed toe flats with high socks? Trendy. Rope knotted belts? A must. Denim for days? Yes please. Accessories for days? So necessary. And yes, though the earrings were great, we are talking about the motorcycle on set too.


Hoods and high collars? Ok, stop. We can't take it anymore. Ground Zero, you have single handedly become the spokes-line for every cool New Yorker - cool ANYBODY - out there. Kudos. 

Photography Andrew Dong at Street Vue